Sep 9, 20202 min

Why IG has become the new hub for small businesses and 2 essential things you need to do to become v

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

With a variety of social media platform choices, it’s wise for small businesses to choose the core channels that will make up their communications platform and develop a mini strategy for each one rather than spread themselves thin trying to appear on all of them. When it comes to Instagram, it’s increasingly becoming a no brainer for small businesses to focus on as one of their choices. Instagram has a huge user-base with no signs of their growth stopping. This dramatic rise in users has come about through the growing appetite for visual content by users. Especially so during lockdown, there has been a significant leap in users spending more time on it.

Reasons why you should use Instagram:

There is so much opportunity for growth and visibility if you have a solid Instagram strategy in place and are present for your audience. Nobody starts with thousands of followers or eyes on them. It takes curated steps and building relationships that will see you grow and be visible in front of your ‘ideal client’. 

Here is a list of things for you to do to use Instagram like a pro as a small business and increase engagement and eyes on the services/ products you offer:

Optimise your bio:

Your name is searchable on the Instagram search engine so you’d want to use this to mention what you do as well as your business name. For example: Magnetic London | Creative Agency. So, the next time someone searches for a creative agency Magnetic London will come up as a suggestion. Next, optimise your ‘I help statement. This will come in the description of the bio and would clearly state how what you do or what you offer which can help your customers/ clients. Include a call to action (CTA) as the last line prior to the website link so people click on it for your free lead magnet or your website or your shop. 

Embrace Instagram stories and post daily

There’s a world of opportunity on Instagram stories for you to connect with your followers and ideal clients. Your business can interact with its audience in real-time and show the brands personality. If the thought of appearing on stories daily sounds daunting to begin with, consider these great opportunities to really showcase what your business has to offer:

·     Announcements – post about new products, services, and sales

·     Behind the scenes content – give your audience a look at what goes on behind the scenes at your company

·     Post local offerings – show people what's going on near your office, hotel, or place of business—create a neighbourhood buzz

Need help creating Instagram visuals? Get started.

Or, If you have another project in mind, set up a meeting with a member of our team.

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