72 percent of creative leaders don't have time to develop their teams. This is a common issue that spans across industries and if this sounds familiar then it might be time to consider allowing a creative agency to step in and relieve some of the pressure from you and your team.

Agency vs in House is an important question across the board and here are a few ways to help identify whether hiring a creative agency benefits your business.
What Does Your Company Need?
A large company with a need for constant advertising, social media, design, marketing and most importantly creative input should not solely rely on an in house team. If your brand is looking a bit, ‘all over the place’, then hiring an agency will allow you to dedicate different tasks for different people pioneering in varying subjects. This way your in-house graphic designer is not expected to also know how to handle SEO to the optimum ability. A strong brand with various delegates working in unison to produce the final business idea increases memorability and improves brand awareness.
Are You Considering Expenses?
One of the largest deciding factors to hiring a creative agency is the overhead cost. However, letting an agency take care of your brand means you'll soon reap what you sow. It is crucial to ensure that your business is taking advantage of every available channel in order to expand your reach and attract new customers.
Are You Advertising in an Engaging Way?
Does your in-house team create ads that are immediately eye catching and creatively succinct? Marketing is an extremely creative endeavour. Even if your in-house team are creatively superb. Having the same member of staff create every ad could mean it could become repetitive or uninspiring. It’s easy for an agency to understand your company’s vision whilst still providing fresh and high-quality content.
Are You Looking for a Wider Creative Choice?
Creative agencies are assigned dependent on the task at hand at any time or place. This means unique and engaging content is guaranteed every time.
Hiring an agency allows for all of your content or only some to be outsourced. This means if you are handling a junior then you will have more time and patience to train them into a fantastic team but also gives you an upper hand in an ever changing market whilst you do this.

Ready to learn more about how working with us can truly put you ahead of the curve and help you reach your KPIs and have a work/life balance? Get started. Or, If you have a project in mind, set up a meeting with a member of our team.
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