eHarmony UK an online dating platform, wanted a campaign that would help people beat the January blues and encourage them to make positive, mood-boosting changes to their life. In response to the brief, Magnetic developed ‘The School of Happiness;’ a six-week masterclass towards true happiness.

The School of Happiness campaign took people on a journey where new tips, advice and downloadable resources were unlocked each week. Magnetic were responsible for all aspects of campaign development and execution, from naming the campaign and designing the logo and campaign identity, to developing and executing the final website design.

Web Design
“Magnetic helped us to transform our campaign idea into ‘The School of Happiness’, a six-week happiness masterclass. They created the logo, campaign identity and microsite in the span of three weeks and continued to update the content throughout. Magnetic worked directly with me to develop the concept, outline the implementation, execute the project, and track the results. With their help the campaign was a success and we look forward to working with them in the near future."
Verity Hogan
UK Editor