There’s a lot for a marketing manager to take care off and to successfully plan and execute each marketing task daily as effectively and efficiently as possible, it would be a good idea to start outsourcing and saving your time and energy for your zone of genius. The right outsourcing tactics will help you reduce your company's human resources burden while utilising external expertise.
Most times, outsourced marketing manifests in a monthly set of completed services. Here are some common marketing outsourcing tasks we have dealt with:
Planning content for a marketing campaign
Implementing a full-scale web redesign, or a refresh
Designing printed collaterals
Copywriting for offline and online material
Social Media Management
What to Look Out for As a Marketing Manager
To successfully build an effective partnership with an external team to help you reach your KPIs, there are things to consider. Your outsourcing tactics should rely on the following:
Responsiveness: Your first contact with an agency is enough to tell you how responsive they are and would be with your project. For a responsive company, you should get a response within 24 hours. This is more important if much of the project or relationship depends on communication. You must know your marketing agency takes your project seriously and treat your business as their own.
Check Reviews: When searching for a prospective agency to help you reach your KPIs, it’s important to check their website for case studies or reviews and testimonials from other clients. You need to know if the agency has solved firms’ marketing problems in the past. It would be best to understand if they have dealt with outsourcing to brands with similar KPIs as yours.
Long-term Potential: As a marketing manager, we understand you long-term vision and partnership potential. Your outsourcing tactic is not complete without considering partnerships, coupled with effective communication. The agency needs to also share your company business values and communication culture to a reasonable extent.
Flexibility: It’s important to be upfront about pricing as well as the terms of outsourced marketing. The more project and pricing options you are offered, the better chance you have to achieve your marketing goals and appeal to the company management.
Ready to learn more about how working with us can truly put you ahead of the curve? Get started.Or, If you have a project in mind, set up a meeting with a member of our team.
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