You may or may not have an in-house marketing department. As your company grows sometimes, it’s hard to catch up with every aspect of your marketing. Not to mention, the continuous shifting of customer’s preferences and technology can leave you behind.
As a professional full-service agency, we can save time, conserve money, and strengthen your brand. Whether you’re a small business with no marketing department to speak of, or one with, you could benefit from a specialised agency running or assisting with your marketing campaigns. We offer everything your business requires for marketing, promotions, and creative under one umbrella.
We consist of a group of skilled individuals specialised in different areas of marketing and offer comprehensive strategies and solutions custom-fit to your business from start to finish.
Hiring a full-service marketing agency doesn’t mean you have to use everything we offer. Services can be a la carte or bundled depending on your objectives. The process usually starts with an audit, analysis or research to find the most direct and cost-effective plan to meet the business goals.
Here Are Some Ways We Can Help Your Business:
Logo design
Branding strategy & execution
Brand guidelines
Design of brand assets
Graphic design & web design services
Detail-oriented advertising strategy & plans
Creative ideas and themes for a campaigns
Professional videography solutions
Copywriting & social media management services
Advantages of a Full-service Agency:
Flexibility: No matter what you need, our team will get it done on time.
Expertise: Your company may not have a dedicated marketing or creative team, or perhaps the team you do have isn’t up-to-date with the constantly-changing algorithms. We’re skilled in content writing, communications, graphic and website design, and more.
Cost-Effectiveness: While hiring an agency may seem counter-productive, it can save your company money in the long run. Hiring dedicated graphic designers, content writers, web developers and social media strategists will almost certainly cost more.
Time-Saving: No matter the size of your business you’ll need to market your company to succeed and grow. Not only will hiring a dedicated agency save your staff time to work on other matters, you’ll have a team of experts in the field working for you on your schedule.
At Magnetic London, we are a full-service agency leveraging a design and marketing mix to accelerate your brand’s growth. Want to find out what it's like working with us? Get started. Or, If you have a project in mind, set up a meeting with a member of our team.
If you’d like to chat with us right now, click on the messenger icon in the bottom right to talk to a team member live.